ENGLISH LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Registration (For Young and Adult Learners)
I am a Cyberbuddy- An ACERT Initiative
Registration open for Offline/ Online (Delhi, NCR, Outstation) ETT and ECCE Programmes. Batch 2025-26. For Enquiry call ACERT Delhi - 8826698199 | ACERT Noida - 8826698199 | ACERT Gurgaon - 8826698199.
Registrations now open for Batch of 2025-26! Join PG Diploma in Elementary Teacher Training & Early Childhood Care and Education. For course details, call: 8826698199.


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Email : admissions@acert.amity.edu



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Contact No: 8826698199
Email : admissions@acert.amity.edu



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Email : admissions@acert.amity.edu



Amity Center for Educational Research and Training
Amity International School
Sector – 7
Pushp Vihar
New Delhi – 110017

Contact No: 8826698199
Email : admissions@acert.amity.edu

Teacher Training Courses Offered

Course Type PG Diploma in
Elementary Teacher
( 0-14 Years)

This module offers students an overview of Education in philosophical and sociological perspective and as such lays the foundation for the entire course. It delves into the philosophical aspect of education in the sense of its being concerned with the aims, forms, methods, or results of the process of educating or being educated. It gives the trainees the vision of Education. This would help trainees to understand the bases or reason out "Why" and "How" behind the curriculum they impart to a child. It thus develops the ability to understand the relation between educational theory and practice. The topics would focus on Meaning of Education, its aims, the Constructivist and the objectivistic (modern and traditional) approach, sensitizing teachers towards child centered or the holistic development of the child. This would further go into details of the changing perspectives of education and the importance of education as an agent of social change, and as an instrument of conservation of culture and human values. The Course Outline is as follows-

Module-I :Introduction to Education

Module-II :Education and Philosophy

Module-III :Contributions of Philosophers relevant to Primary Education

Module-IV :School Education in Indian Societal Context


The course content would enable the teachers of tomorrow to understand teaching learning process from a psychological perspective. The trainees will acquire the knowledge about patterns and aspects of learner development. It will also enable the trainees to recognize areas of individual and social differences among children. With such an in-depth study and understanding of child development and child psychology teachers, parents and adults working with children, will be able to impact the education and transform the lives of children who are the future of our country. The Course Outline is as follows-

Module – I : Understanding the development of the learner

Module – II : Understanding individual difference in learners

Module- III :Understanding the learning process

Module – IV :Facilitating learning and development


The Montessori Method:
The Montessori Method: It offers a broad vision of education as an aid to life. It is designed to help children with their task of inner construction as they grow from childhood to maturity. Montessori philosophy and materials are a huge success because it draws its principles from the laws of natural development of the child and guides him towards wholesome growth and integrated personality. Montessori educational practice helps children develop creativity, problem solving, critical thinking and time-management skills, care of the environment and each other, and prepares them to contribute to society and to become fulfilled persons. Keeping in view the holistic development of children aided by Montessori method and its success across the globe a special focus is given on Montessori method which makes the course content a unique blend of Indian Educational requirement and at the same time gives exposure to Internationally acclaimed Montessori Method.

The following modules are designed that equip the Teachers of Tomorrow to work in any Montessori school/setup.

Module 1- :Practical life exercises Module 2-: Sensorial Module 3- : Language and Literacy Module 4- : Mathematics and Numeracy Module 5- : Knowledge and understanding of the world


Curriculum Planning and development forms an integral part of the Teaching Profession .This module intends to develop an understanding in educators of different aspects of developing and planning curriculum 2-14 age groups. The Content goes into details of how Philosophy, Psychology, individual interests and social goals determine the content, methods of teaching while framing curriculum. The module further aims to sensitize and enlighten the future educators of the principles of Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum. The educators will explore how a theme can be made appropriate for different age groups by enhancing the levels of challenges or by simplifying it .The module also aims to teach effective techniques to trainees to how to integrate a particular theme across the curriculum called Thematic Teaching. The trainees will be given rigorous practice of subject based curriculum up to elementary level.

Apart from delving into the broader perspective of School Management the module gives special attention to dimension and principles of classroom management, teaching skills, teaching strategies and instructional planning. The content would equip and instill confidence in the trainees to face difficult and different situations. The trainees would also be given exposure to set up their classrooms in different ways keeping in mind the available resources, economy, aesthetics, etc. Upon completion of the module the teacher trainees would be more confident, better equipped and would have acquired right attitude to face the practical situations of the profession. This module also aims to equip the teacher trainees who aspire to be entrepreneurs by opening their own schools for Toddlers, preschoolers and primary age groups. The Course Outline is as follows-

Module- I : Curriculum Types and approaches

Module –II : Instructional Planning

Module- III : Teaching Skills and Training Strategies

Module –IV : Classroom Management


Apart from laying a strong foundation of principles of education, educational philosophy, psychology of learning and development the course also aims to develop skills which form an intrinsic part of teaching profession . Thus a set of important skills of teaching profession are imparted by team of professionally trained trainers, experts and outsourced agencies.

The skill Development workshops are as follows-

  • Teaching of Art
  • Music and Movement
  • Story and Drama
  • Health, Nutrition and Meal-Planning
  • Personal Effectiveness
  • Computer Application
  • Professional Grooming
  • Trip Planning


The course content aims to enable the teacher trainees to understand the nature of measurement and evaluation and to be able to select tools for evaluating different kinds of learning. The teachers of tomorrow will also be able to use various valid and reliable tools and techniques of measurement and evaluation. It will further develop competencies to use elementary statistical methods for analysis and interpretation of data and understand the current issues and trends in educational measurements and evaluation.

Module I :Measurement and Evaluation

Module II : Educational Objectives

Module III : Tools of Evaluation

Module IV :Test Construction

Module V : Statistical Treatment of Data

Module VI : Grading and Reporting Achievement

Paper : Teaching Of English

Language development forms an important part of the holistic development of a child. Without language the personality of an individual can not considered to be complete. The content has been evolved to teach trainees effective strategies to identify and promote language skills of children. The student teachers will learn the nature and features of English Language. It will develop all the four language skills (listening, reading, speaking & writing) and the ability to teach these linguistic skills to their pupils. It will enable student trainees to improvise and use appropriate instructional aids for teaching English. The student trainees will develop competencies to plan and teach lessons in English prose, poetry, grammar and composition prescribed at elementary level. It will further enable the trainees to be able to identify and analyze errors, plan remedial instruction in English language, plan action research on problems related to teaching and learning in English and use various techniques for evaluating learner achievement in English.

Module I: Nature of English Language

Module II: Objective Based Teaching of English

Module III: Approaches and Methods of Teaching English

Module IV: Instructional Materials

Module V: Instructional Planning in English

Module VI: Evaluation

Module VII: Pedagogical Analysis

Module VIII: Action Research

Teaching Subjects-The candidate has to choose any I language and any I option from other subjects


The course will enable the student teachers to develop a clear perspective of the nature of Hindi language and its evolution to present form. It will further help the student trainees in understanding of language skills and their inter linkages. It will also develop competencies to select and use appropriate instructional strategies for teaching different forms of Hindi language and the skills in planning for effective instruction in Hindi, use of support materials for teaching Hindi and the competencies for evaluating learner achievement in Hindi

The Course Outline will be as follows-

Module I: Language and its Importance

Module II: Objective Based Teaching of Hindi

Module III: Approaches to Teaching of Hindi

Module IV: Support Materials for Teaching of Hindi

Module V: Instructional Planning in Hindi

Module VI: Evaluation

Module VII: Pedagogical Analysis

Module VIII: Action Research


The course content will enable the student teachers to develop clear perspective of the nature of Mathematics and its historical development with special emphasis on contributions of Indian mathematicians. It will further develop an understanding of mathematics through content enrichment and the important place of mathematics in school curriculum. It will also develop competencies of selecting and structuring instructional strategies and support materials for teaching specific topics in mathematics. The trainees will learn the ways for planning mathematics instruction, developing tools for evaluating mathematical learning, conducting pedagogical analysis, and planning action research

The Course Outline is as follows-

Module I: Nature of Mathematics and its Historical Development

Module II: Aims and Objectives of Teaching Mathematics

Module III: Approaches to Teaching of Mathematics

Module IV: Support Systems/Materials for Teaching of Mathematics

Module V: Planning for Mathematics Teaching

Module VI: Evaluation in Mathematics

Module VII: Pedagogical Analysis

Module VIII: Action Research


Course Objective is to enable the student teachers to understand the concept, objectives and importance of environment education. It also aims to develop awareness about environmental pollution, its possible hazards, causes and remedies. It will further enable the teacher trainees to be able to identify various strategies and methods for realizing the objectives of environmental education. The course content will equip the teacher trainees to be able to develop and reinforce new patterns of environmentally sensitive behaviors among individuals and groups for a sustainable environment.

The Course Outline is as follows-

Module I:
Introduction to Environmental Education Environmental Crisis

Module II
Sustainable Development Environmental Awareness through Education

Module III
Transaction Strategies Pedagogical Analysis of any Topic
(up to class VIII th as per CBSE syllabus)

Module IV
Evaluation and assessment
Evaluation Devices through


The course aims to enable the student teachers to understand the concept, nature and scope of social science. Upon completion of the course the teacher trainees will be able to understand and appreciate the need for teaching social science as an integrated discipline. It will further enrich the knowledge of basics in history, civics, economics and geography. Upon completion of the course the trainees will acquire skills in teaching social sciences and competencies for: designing unit and lesson plans, as well as tools of evaluation for social science teaching. The student trainees will also acquire skills in preparation and use of support materials for effective social science teaching and the ability to organize co-curricular activities and community resources for promoting social science learning.

The Course Outline is as follows-

Module I
Nature of Social Sciences
Objectives of Teaching Social Science

Module II
Approaches to Social Science Instruction
Planning and Transaction

Module III

Module IV
1. Pedagogical Analysis of topics up to VIII th as per syllabus of CBSE
2. Action Research

Course Type PG Diploma in
Early Childhood Care
and Education
( 0-8 Years)

All the course content is same as that of PG Diploma in Elementary Teacher Training except Paper VI which is replaced by Paper- Preparation of Teaching Aids

Course Type Certificate
Program in
Montessori Method

This Capsule Program on Montessori Method gives an overview on Montessori Methods. It equips the teachers to work with Montessori materials as well a sound understanding of the Montessori philosophy. Upon the completion of the course the trainees will be able to work in any Montessori school/setup.

Course Outline

Module 1- Practical life exercises

Module 2- Sensorial

Module 3- Language and Literacy

Module 4- Mathematics and Numeracy

Module 5- Knowledge and understanding of the world

Montessori Philosophy

  • New Education
  • Biography of Dr. Maria
  • Spiritual Embryo
  • Absorbent Mind
  • Prepared Environment
  • Role of a Teacher
  • Laws of Natural
  • Deviations
  • Normalization
  • Society of Cohesion

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