Conference / Events

The Arctic and Antarctic are “early warning messengers” for global processes, in particular for the environmental impact of current-use and emerging contaminants. Despite having little to no industrial sources of their own, the existence of persistent environmental contaminants in polar ecosystems has been known for a long time. However, there are we still many aspects we know little about, including sources, transport and health effects.
Arctic and Antarctica are no longer pristine, including the third pole, Himalaya. Anthropogenic activities have led to changing environments at the poles, often with toxicological significance and measurable impacts.
Conference / Events
Beautiful Arora
Water Sampling
Sediment Sampling
On Site Sampling
Sampling and Survey
Antarctic animals
"The institution endeavors to become a active and foremost institution in the field of Polar Sciences where inventive Scientists/Faculty and dedicated researchers perform cutting-edge research to study the cause and effect analysis of environmental contaminants and their impact on public health and eco-system. Institution also targets high impact research on bio-remediation, site reclamation, environmental monitoring and Health in an around Indian Antarctic and Artic stations "
The institution endeavors to become an active and foremost institution in the field of polar sciences where scientists/faculty and dedicated researchers perform cutting-edge research to study the cause and effect analysis of environmental contaminants and their impact on pristine environment due to anthropogenic activities. ACARS has taken the mission of environmental health and monitoring by encouraging, high quality research on the effects of chemical toxicants (e.g. PAH, PCB, pesticides, heavy metals, dioxins/dibenzofurans) and other xenobiotic agents. Institution also targets high impact research on exploring antarctic microbes for novel biotech application such as nutraceuticals, enzyme, antibiotics, surfactants other industrially important products besides bioremediation of pollutants. Focus of R&D remains on creating, disseminating and applying new knowledge in Antarctic research.