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GLRC 2021

6th Global Leadership Research Conference (GLRC-2021) - Responsiveness, Innovation and Resilience: Critical Factors for Future Growth in Changing Socio – Political Environment

25th & 27th February, 2021

About Conference

Transformation of Financial markets are ongoing process and Fintech driven innovations are significant to connect this era of transformation. Linking technology to bring scalability and quick access to data, firms have an unparalleled opportunity to take the Financial Services industry forward in entirely new ways. Banking sector, capital markets, and other players in industry create volume of data that needs to be analyzed to create solutions.

The Finance forum at GLRC 2020 will deliberate upon the fintech disruptions and innovations useful to create solutions New Entrants, startups are seeking to enter in to financial services using technology. Existing financial institutions making huge investments in technology to widen their customer base. From mobile payments to insurance, fintech is pervasive.

Desired Outcomes:

  • Analysed how fintech disruptors are affecting the financial service industry.
  • Understand how big data is being analysed which capital market creates and how this can be useful for regulators and investors.
  • Interpret how fintech companies have changed the traditional banking system from mobile banking, digital payments, refinancing of loans, personal Financial Planning and other services.
  • Understand the customers view on about FinTech concepts and how change in demographics helps them in adopting it fast.

Finance Track – Research Paper Submission

Theme: Emerging Technologies Reshaping the Financial Sector

The last few decades have witnessed tremendous changes in the Financial Arena Worldwide. To keep pace with the ever-evolving Business Environment, Dynamism in finance is required. In such a scenario, innovations in financial practices become imperative. Financial services have often been at the forefront of new and emerging technologies. High-performance computing is moving deeper into the financial sector, reshaping functions such as marketing and longer-term investment strategies — areas where, up to now, the human mind has prevailed.

Technological interventions that are gradually making an entry into the global financial sector, including big data, artificial intelligence, block-chain technology and internet of things, promise far greater convenience in day-to-day banking transactions for customers. Cutting-edge technology is being leveraged by financial institutions across the world, with the ripple effect expected in India.

The objective:

To promote research and developmental activities in the areas of finance and business. The track will enable the research scholars, academicians and industrialists to exchange ideas on the innovative practices, challenges and opportunities in the financial sector

  • Sub - Theme 1: Going digital: Banking Transformation & Regulatory Challenges
  • Sub - Theme 2: Innovative Solutions for Financial Security

With the growth of digitization a new marketing paradigm is fast replacing the old tenets of marketing. We are embarking upon an era in which the role of marketing is being redefined faster than most organizations can respond. It is going beyond media and messaging and is becoming the contextual fabric that holds together the complete customer experience. It has ushered into an amalgamation of technology, marketing, business and human behavior. Conventional Chief Marketing Officer is going to be replaced by Chief Marketing Technologist who will be part strategist, part creative director, part technology leader, and part teacher.

Achieving this new paradigm must not overlook the obvious challenges that such a transition entail. World-class organizations achieving this new paradigm are taking a unique approach. They are creating incremental transitions from their data warehouse to the Customer Data Platform. This new approach operationalizes customer data in the cloud, allows the company to create a contract for accessibility, reliability, security and access control. With this one step, they are immediately enhancing their ability to integrate with newer and more effective cloud-based technologies, modern data warehouses, BI tools, advanced AI and analytics; without taking on the burden of architecting a completely new marketing and CRM stack.

The Marketing Forum at GLRC – 2020 will deliberate upon the emerging marketing paradigm and challenges of this transition. It will provide a platform for incisive debate and discussions on the entire gamut of the above transition among leading marketing professionals, academicians and researchers.

Objectives/Desired Outcomes

  • To provide a platform for industry – academia interaction/discussions on latest developments and innovations in the marketing domain.
  • To provide an opportunity to the students to learn from the discussions on new frontiers and the emerging paradigms of marketing.
  • To explore the opportunities for training, consultancy and management development programs in the area of marketing through networking.

Marketing Track – Research Paper Submission

Theme: Driving Business Growth through Marketing Transformation

Recent changes in the marketing landscape have highlighted the need for Marketing Transformation at an organizational level. The advent of digitization, proliferation of mobile usage and changing consumption practices have given rise to a more informed consumer base. Organisations which recognize the need for marketing transformation and include the same in their long-term agendas, can achieve growth and excellence by streamlining their marketing processes and enhancing the productivity of their marketing teams. Efficient sales planning and analytics can enhance optimal utilization of sales resources which can be a trigger for growth of business organisations.

The objective(s):

  • To provide a platform for sharing path breaking marketing ideas that can enhance organizational performance
  • To create a forum for networking, idea-sharing and showcasing path breaking research practices which can increase the ROI of the marketing function
  • Sub-Theme 1: Consumption Practices in a Digital Era
  • Sub-Theme 2: Innovative Advertising Practices for Enhancing Brand Value
  • Sub-Theme 3: Responsible Consumerism and the environment

The global and national highly competitive markets have thrown multiple challenges of productivity, quality, cost reduction, quick response, technology absorption and sustainability. Towards this end, GLRC 2020 emerges as a stimulating forum for practitioners and academician alike to debate on emerging business challenges and discuss ways and means to achieve around excellence.

With the advent of new-age technology the business functions are going through disrupting innovation and technology absorption in order to remain competitive. Digital transformation is the flavor of this decade and is creating newer and more agile customer supportive business processes and achieve operational excellence. Operations Management thereby creates value for the organization and for all stakeholders through continually improving its processes and supply chain performance, thereby delivering unique products and services to customers. Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida has been very successfully organizing its flagship annual event - Global Leadership Research Conference since 2016. Encouraged by the enthusiasm generated and response received, the 5th Global Leadership Research Conference (GLRC 2020) has been planned on February date 25th and 26th, 2020 at Amity University Campus Sector – 125, Noida, on the tropical subject of “Digital Transformation and Disruptive Innovation: Drivers for Future Business Growth”.

Globally, India has emerged as an important manufacturing base and is competing closely with China in attracting several multinational firms to set up their plants. Therefore, manufacturing firms need for use of operations management to remain competitive in business and tap the emerging opportunities in the global arena. The objective of present Operations Management and Quality Form is to bring together the Researchers from Academia and Industry as well as practitioners to share ideas, problems and solutions on the subject of “Digital Transformation and Disruptive Innovation in areas of Operations Management and Quality.

Desired Outcomes

  • To discuss ideas and technologies which can help businesses become unicorns.
  • To create an environment for students to understand the latest industry practices and emerging digital innovation, which will help create a future course for them.
  • Make them industry ready to through successful implementation of SCM 4.0.
  • To discuss the way forward for technology adoption, quality and operational innovation.

Operations Track – Research Paper Submission

Theme: New Age Technology and Sustainability Driving Operational Innovation

Highly competitive and IT driven markets have thrown multiple challenges of productivity, quality, cost reduction, quick response, technology absorption and sustainability. The organizations are being forced to accelerate the pace of “out of box thinking” and operational innovations to sustain and provide efficient solutions for business. Operations Management creates value for the organization and for all stakeholders through continually improving its processes and supply chain performance, thereby delivering unique products and services to customers. Organizations need to learn, adopt, restructure, collaborate and experiment to retain their competitive advantage. In this context, GLRC 2020 through its conference theme ‘Digital Transformation and Disruptive Innovation: Drivers for Future Business Growth’ provides the much-needed platform, bringing in academicians, practitioners, doctoral students and other researchers, to disseminate and share knowledge and experiences through the presentation of research papers, panel discussions, and personal interactions. Participants can expect exposure not only to new developments in the field but also benefit from deliberations through real life examples and case-studies.

The objective:

To bring together academicians, practitioners, doctoral students and other researchers, to disseminate and share knowledge and experiences through the presentation of research papers, panel discussions, and personal interactions.

  • Sub-Theme 1: Operational Innovation/Sustainable Operations Management
  • Sub-Theme 2: Supply Chain Management in Digital Era/New technology absorption

Technological innovation is moving at a faster rate than anyone ever imagined. Disruptive technologies are creating brand new jobs and roles, new business models, and new markets. In the era of rapid technological change and ever-evolving skills, it is imperative for enterprises to train employees for jobs that don’t exist yet. Every business is on a war path against the current digital disruption wave. At the rate at which technology is changing, if a company must survive the next 5 years, it cannot continue to do what it has been doing till now. It must change dramatically and adapt faster. The future of a digitally successful enterprise would depend on its ability to break new boundaries, empower employees to be digitally fit, deploy latest technologies to ensure business efficiency, and build a strong interconnected ecosystem partnership.

Objective & Desired Outcome:

This session will have leaders who have traversed the journey of ‘disrupting yourself before anyone else does,’ share their success stories and challenges in accelerating their enterprise to be at the forefront of digital supremacy. The discussion will focus on how enterprises can nurture a growth mindset in their employees, leverage digital technologies for reskilling, and bring in a mindset for employees to understand emerging technologies and the potential new opportunities therein, for the enterprises.

Human Resource Track – Research Paper Submission

Theme: Foster Innovation and Disruption to drive digital transformation in HR

From automation, gig economy to generation Z, organizations have several disruptors to deal with today. This rapidly changing business environment puts direct pressure on HR to help organizations navigate through these disruptions efficiently. The HR professional in the age of disruptions hence needs to play a new role with emerging skills and tools and get on a learning journey. HR in the age of disruptions need to emerge as agile leaders with a digital and business mindset, helping their organizations stay ahead of the curve. Digital innovation is now a key business issue that HR professionals must address in order to remain relevant in their role.

The objective:

To bring together a diverse group of industry leaders, practitioners and academicians to deliberate on the innovative HR practices, policies and strategies which would create a culture code for the digital era.

  • Sub-Theme 1: Redefining the workforce in disruptive digitalized era: Changing role of HR
  • Sub-Theme 2: Innovative HR practices in the era of digital transformation

It is evident that the bellicose world in which we are surmounted with presently brings an ever-challenging life. It is thus high time now to move from head to heart and from thinking to feeling. The common goal of every human being or living creature on this earth is attaining avoiding pain and attaining blissfulness and thus attaining a state of happiness which is everlasting. The source of this eternal happiness is aspired to be achieved unparallel to experience the infinite energy that this universe holds. The theme Spiritual transcendence emphasizes on experiencing the infinite which exists in different forms and is realized in different ways.

The medium to accelerate which is our perception, feelings, and an ability to connect to our true self which is immensely resourceful. As is evidently understood by majority of us that the unitary source of pain and discontentment is “Disconnect” from our source of energy transmitted through a powerful medium but ultimately residing in us, thus awakening, experiencing and maintaining an advanced level of consciousness through meditative techniques helps in reviving and restoring our immense potential and energy.

The Forum will provide an exceptional and requisite platform to deliberate on need of connecting to self, facilitated through various meditative techniques, thus transcending to a elevated level of awareness, realization, focus and utilizing our potential not only for materialistic pleasures but achieving a higher goal.

The forum through unparallel sessions, plenary discussions based on experience, research, conceptual evidences will provide an invigorating spectrum of ideas, beliefs, self-assessment to introspect and retravel and unearth towards a journey of excellence and self -fulfillment. The experts from different sects, communities from medical perspective to aesthetics will explore on how spiritual transcendence arouses and empowers to serve not only self but this ecosystem thus solving issues like climatic changes, changing beliefs, humanitarian principles and excellence in true sustainable sense.

All these put together will ensure Global harmony as meditation as a focused approach aims at bolstering awareness and serenity with spontaneity even amid worldly activity. A collective effort to strengthen and realize the role of meditation will help in reconciling Peace, inclusiveness and harmony for all.

The forum looks forward for enriched reflections, insights and highly interactive learning from professionals, Business Leaders, meditation practitioners, students and Research Scholars.

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