





Alumni are the best brand ambassadors for any educational institution. On that count, ABS is fortunate to have some of the most effective brand ambassadors. ABS has an ever-growing alumni base who are currently pursuing fast track careers with blue-chip companies in India and abroad. Their success in the corporate arena is an eloquent testimony to their skills, abilities, and hard work, as well as to the quality and rigor of business education at ABS.

The Alumni meet is an event for old relationships to be cherished, celebrated, and refreshed and new ones to be formed. It is a time of reflecting, remembering the good old times and memories of the Alumni and looking forward with a sense of purpose and anticipation. It opens the gateway to explore the ways in which Amity continues to shape an exciting and productive learning environment, develop synergetic plans to have strong continued association for mutual exchange of knowledge, resources & ideas.

Silver Jubilee Alumni Reunion-2024 ABS, PGDM, Class of 1998

The Silver jubilee Alumni Reunion 2024, PGDM, Class of 1998-“Yesterday Once More” was organized on 15th June 2024 from 5.00 pm to 7.15 pm at Amity Campus Sector-44, Noida, a highly awaited event that brought together 36 renowned Alumni from four continents of Asia, Europe, Australia and North America working as CEO, Managing Directors, Founders & entrepreneurs across the world at one venue of Amity Campus, Sector - 44 Noida which was their alma mater (Amity Business School earlier) that shaped their lives with unique experiences, studies, corporate connections and mentoring by experts. The event aimed to foster a sense of reconnect alumni together after a period of 25 years to cherish old memories and celebrate their achievements since leaving their institution.

The Alumni were welcomed at the D-Block Reception in a traditional manner with Tilak and a Rose bud by Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, Addl. Pro Vice Chancellor, Dean FMS & Director ABS, Dy. Director (Alumni Relations) along with CRC team of ABS. The welcome area was also featured with the beautiful Rangoli prepared by the student’s volunteers of Cultural Committee, where the alumni captured their memories with their mentors, CRC members and old friends. After this they were offered welcome drink at D-Block Seminar Hall.

The Nostalgia was overwhelmed when alumni visited their classrooms, faculty rooms, CRC rooms, and the hostel premises along with Prof. (Dr) Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor AUUP and her team, where they had spent their golden days of Amity, reliving moments of late-night sessions, unique experiences, celebrating career triumphs that shaped their lives.

Dr. Atul Chauhan, Chancellor AUUP & President RBEF graced the occasion with his benign presence and greatly admired alumni spirit after 25 years. He shared the meteoric rise of Amity brand in last two decades in research, innovation and holistic learning across the globe and thanked Alumni for creating the enduring legacy to build the brand. Hon’ble Chancellor briefed Alumni about the growth and development of the University and encouraged them to remain actively involved in its activities. He also thanked Mr. Rahul Shanker, Chief Coordinator of Alumni Core Committee and CEO Modicare Ltd, New Delhi and his entire Alumni Core team for their untiring efforts to unite the batch after a period of 25 years. The Alumni core team greeted and felicitated the Hon’ble Chancellor & President RBEF with the beautiful sapling.

Hon’ble Chancellor & President RBEF expressed that he had good memories and emotions with the initial batches that defined Amity beginning from a few hundred students to over 250, 000 presently. He felt very happy to pin the Amity Alumni Association Badge on each Alumni and gave mementos to the former ABS faculty members who joined the event. The event was on hybrid mode and few alumni also joined online.

At last, the Hon’ble Founder President Dr. Ashok Chauhan gave his blessings to all alumni by sending a customized book with heartfelt messages for each alumni that was presented along with the mementos as a token of love & affection by Prof. (Dr) Balvinder Shukla- Vice-Chancellor, Prof (Dr) Sanjeev Bansal, Addl. Pro Vice Chancellor, Dean FMS & Director ABS, Prof. (Dr) Anupam Narula-Dy. Director (Alumni Relations), Ms. Kritika Dasgupta-Asst. Director CRC, Mr. T.N Mukundan-Asst. GM CRC & team of ABS to each alumni. This reunion was a powerful in creating a resonating impact with new vibrant energy with so many Alumni coming back to the Alma mater after decades.

It was a proud moment for all Amitians to see the students of Amity doing so well in their respective careers and working at top leadership positions. Overall, the alumni expressed their deep gratitude to Amity University for providing a transformative educational experience that laid the foundation for their success. They recognized the University commitment to excellence, innovation, and holistic development, which played a significant role in shaping their careers and personal growth.

Their expressions of gratitude served as a testament to the enduring impact of Amity University and highlighted the strong bond and sense of pride shared between the alumni and their alma mater.

Silver Jubilee Alumni Reunion-2023

PGDM Class of 1999

(16th December 2023, Time: 4:00 P.M- 6:00 P.M)

The silver jubilee Alumni Reunion 2023, PGDM, Class of 1999 was a highly awaited event that brought together 46 renowned Alumni from diverse fields like technology, healthcare, exports, media, consulting etc. at Amity Campus, Sector 44 Noida where earlier Amity Business School was functional. ABS shaped their lives with unique experiences, studies, corporate connections and mentoring by experts. The event aimed to foster a sense of reconnect alumni together after a period of 25 years to cherish old memories and celebrate their achievements since leaving their institution.

The Alumni were welcomed at the D-Block Reception in traditional mode with Tilak and Rose buds by Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, Dean Faculty of Management Studies & Director ABS, Dy. Director (Alumni Relations along with Asst. GM CRC of ABS and all team members. The welcome area was also featured with the beautiful Rangoli prepared by the student’s volunteers of Cultural Committee, where the alumni captured their memories with their mentors, CRC members and old friends. After this they were offered welcome drink at D-Block Seminar Hall.

The Nostalgia was overwhelmed as alumni visited their classrooms, faculty rooms, CRC rooms, hostels, and cafeteria along with Prof. (Dr) Balvinder Shukla and her team, where they had spent their golden days of Amity, reliving moments of late -night sessions, unique experiences, celebrating career triumphs that shaped their lives.

Dr. Atul Chauhan, Chancellor, Amity University along with Mrs. Pooja Chauhan, Chairperson, Amity Humanity Foundation graced the occasion with their benign presence and greatly admired alumni spirit after 25 years. He expressed gratitude to Alumni for supporting Amity on many occasions and encouraged them to remain actively involved in the University's development. Dr. Atul Chauhan thanked Mr. Ashwini Mehta -Partner Bharat Drip Irrigation & Agro for his untiring efforts to unite the batch after a period of 25 years.

Dr. Atul Chauhan expressed that he had good memories and emotions with the initial batches that defined Amity beginning from a few hundred students to over 200, 000 presently. He felt very happy to pin the Amity Alumni Association Badge on each Alumni.

At last, the Momentous were presented as a token of love & affection to Alumni by Prof. (Dr) Sanjeev Bansal-Dean FMS & Director ABS, Prof. (Dr) Anupam Narula-Dy. Director (Alumni Relations), Mr. T.N Mukundan-Asst. GM CRC & team of ABS. This reunion was a powerful in creating a resonating impact with new vibrant energy with so many Alumni coming back to the Alma mater.

It was a proud moment for all Amity Family to see the students of Amity doing so well in their respective careers and working at top leadership positions. Overall, the alumni expressed their deep gratitude to Amity University for providing a transformative educational experience that laid the foundation for their success. They recognized the University commitment to excellence, innovation, and holistic development, which played a significant role in shaping their careers and personal growth.

Their expressions of gratitude served as a testament to the enduring impact of Amity University and highlighted the strong bond and sense of pride shared between the alumni and their alma mater.

The Alumni Reunion 2023 was organized by Amity Business School, Amity University on 13th May 2023. Amity Alumni Reunion was a Signature event. Amity brings these Brand Ambassadors outstanding people together on a single platform to reconnect with their classmates, faculty members and mentors, to cherish the relationship and rejuvenate the bond with their alma mate.

The following were the key features in the event :

  • Reminisce and cherish old memories with batchmates and faculty members
  • Alumni Achievers Awards
  • Network and collaborate for future growth
  • Cultural program
  • Fun game for kids

Theme: “Future Skills and Job Roles for Industry 4.0 & Beyond” Saturday, 28th May 2022

Amity Alumni Achiever Award in Corporate Excellence confers to Mr. Pawan Tahlani, Head Delhi, Business Sweden - The Swedish Trade and Invest Council

Amity Alumni Achiever Award in Corporate Excellence confers to Ms. Nidhi Pasricha, Associate Director – Talent Consulting EY

Amity Alumni Achiever Award for Outstanding Entrepreneurship confers to Mr. Nishant Mishra Co- Founder The Higher Pitch Digital Consulting Pvt Ltd during 3rd Online Alumni Meet

Amity Alumni Achiever Award for Outstanding Entrepreneurship & Public Contribution confers to Mr. Vardaan Agarwal Director Jaguar Overseas Limited during 3rd Online Alumni Meet 2022

Amity Alumni Achiever Award in Corporate Excellence confers to Ms. Shipra Gill Head - Strategic Engagements & Advisor Relations – Infosys Ltd. during 3rd Online Alumni Meet 2022

Even during the tough time of pandemic also, many alumni webinars and events were organised virtually.

The Virtual Alumni Meet 2021 was organised by Amity Business School on 20th March & 10th April 2021 respectively on the theme “Future Skills and Job Roles for Industry 4.0 & Beyond” and “Reinventing the Future of Human Potential & Changing Employee Value Proposition in 2021”

The objective of the events was to re-connect with batchmates, both seniors & juniors; and to build a bridge between college and career lives. The Alumni members also had an opportunity to showcase their achievements and laurels of their professional & academic careers.

Glimpses of the event

Dr. Atul Chauhan, Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, President, Ritnand Balved Education Foundation & CEO, AKC Group of Companies


Many Alumni Meet were organised in the past.

ABS feels proud to share few of the success stories of its alumni, a vast network of professionals spread across continents spearheading management of multinational corporations, educational institutions, Government enterprises, NGOs and enterprises of their own.

As the journey in Corporate World starts, it is as good as landing with a boat and an oar in a water body; some of you will be following a stream, some might face the turbulence of rapids, some will row across in calm waters of a big river and some of you will land up in an ocean. So it is time to tighten up your life jackets that include your knowledge gained and life experiences and embark on this wonderful journey ahead of you! Wishing the very best to all of you.

Mr. Nishant Solanki
Alumnus of PGDM Class of 2003-2005
Vice President
SGN Software Private Limited

ABS has been a wonderful budding ground for great talents. Equipped with the kind of experience you have gained in ABS, you are all set to enter & conquer the corporate world again. One of the things that I have learnt while in ABS is that our learning does not end when we pass out of your college; it is a continuous journey. As the classroom learning comes to an end, we start with learning through your experience while in the job. This requires us to be flexible, open to new ideas and most importantly, being honest to ourselves. You will encounter a lot of situations which you may not be experienced in your life. Your education through till now including the rich experience at ABS will provide you with a path towards managing each of these complex situations.
I wish you all the very best for your corporate roles. Make everyday count for yourself.

Mr. Biswapriya Bhattacharjee
Alumnus of PGDM 2000
Director – B2B & Technology
Insights Division, Kantar

"Be fearless in doing the right thing, at the end of it all your conviction is what will take you places."

"For me Amity was the foundation of my fearlessness , it taught me to stand and speak out aloud for my rights, for what I believe in, for what I am."

Ms. Kisha Gupta
Batch 2005-2007
Global Head- Academic Relations
Infosys Ltd.

“Life is a learning experience only if you learn and I must say Amity University which gave me wings to fly provided right mix of environment for learning as well as fun filled varied exposure. It's a place full of opportunities, industry interactions MBA-HR course was full of learning, exposure massive campus good mix of faculties, nice facilities for sports, industry interaction and fellow batch mates, wonderful years.. wonderful experience”

Neha Sharma
Batch 2006-2008
Manager, Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
ex SAILian(Maharatna PSU)

The years between 1997-1999 are the best 2 years of my life. These two years spent at Amity helped to shape my personality and made me ready for the corporate world. These were the best fun years as well!

I got my first break from the campus itself. I realize now that it was not just studies, but the overall development which took place at Amity which helped me climb the corporate ladder. I thank the institute and the founders from the bottom of my heart.

Ashim Das Mathur
Batch 1997-1999
Senior Director Marketing,
Emerging Markets (India, SEA, MEA & ANZ)
Dolby Laboratories

I derived inspiration from Amity Business School’s dissemination of pathbreaking knowledge and concepts that advanced my understanding and practice of management. This was accomplished through the accomplished faculty offering a global perspective.

Amitabh Bhatnagar
Batch 2006-2008
Vice President – BCCL
Bennett Coleman & Co. Ltd.(Times Group)

"Someone once said the fruit of your own hard work is the sweetest. So true! I am a believer of hard work. I was part of Amity Business School MBA HR Class of 2010 – 2012.
The concepts and the study methodology used in the program helped me to grow my professional skills. Plus wide variety of course options made it easy to choose as per my career aspirations and goals.
Alongside having language course made me a bilingual person, which is an asset for anyone who wants to relocate.
I would like to that all the faculty members from bottom of my heart".

Sharvi Raghuvanshi
Batch 2010 – 2012
Compensation Specialist
The Bank of Nova Scotia, Canada

For you to expect better things in life, you first have to focus on getting better as an individual - carrying an open mind willing to accept, learn and grow by constantly upgrading or adding to your skill sets/experiences.
I've always believed, Amity University with its massive campus, plethora of activities/facilities/talks/conferences and faculty members that are always happy to help and guide you - sky is the limit.
In the two years, I spent at Amity, I grew exponentially as I learnt from all my brilliant teachers, fellow students and all the opportunities that challenged me and played a crucial role in shaping what I have become today.

Rupin Pahwa
Batch 2008-2010
Singer, Actor, Composer, Lyricist and Ex-Googler

For an OUTSTANDING Career, be ready to STAND OUT. Do not make the mistake of being a "me too", starting with your CV to your attitude and your approach, never fall into a template, if you do you will be safe and an average performer but never an exceptional one.
World is truly VUCA, more so now, what is required is out of box thinking and risk taking to make the most. Think BIG. Think DIFFERENT.

Mr. Sandeep Tiwari
Alumnus of 1997 Batch
Director, SST Global Services Inc, Canada

Despite a global pandemic, uncertainty and the transition to a virtual reality, despite the shifts in your academic and personal lives, you all have made it. I truly wish you the best in your future endeavours, and remember to never accept the status quo, always ask questions, be critical in your thinking, and always bring your true authentic self to every room and conversation. Change the world, but never be changed by the world.

Mr. Deepak Garg
Alumnus of 1999 Batch
MD, Virsoftech Pvt. Ltd.

Believe it or not, I was actually in your shoes two decades back, or more, since I am from the Class of 2001. Even though it has been so long, I am sure nothing has changed, and students still encounter the same fears and uncertainty regarding the future. I don't have a crystal ball but I can assure you that all will be OK. At ABS, you all are in the capable hands of some truly remarkable faculty and staff. Just focus on studying hard, and equipping yourself with all the skills needed to succeed in the new normal. Here's wishing you all the best for your future careers.

Mr. Uday Parmar
Alumnus of 2001 Batch
Director- Forensic & Integrity Services, EY

In order to be an effective and respected manager / leader, it is important to keep introspecting and understanding your own attributes and limitations. The willingness to change and seek continuous self- improvement will help strengthen your own skills and ensure confidence to be an effective leader. Leadership is all about continuous improvement, in order to stay one step ahead of your team, as your team will always look to you for your guidance and advise to take the business to the next level. I am a firm believer that managers who let things happen on its own usually don’t succeed to greater heights but managers who make things happen are the ones who succeed and take higher responsibilities in their organisations. Hence, it is recommended that any new employee or even existing employee should be inquisitive to learn beyond their scope of work, so that they can have a 360 degree perspective to all their thoughts, actions and their approach towards their way forward. Wishing you all the very best as you move on to the next stage of your life and for a bright future.

Mr. Adwait Chaudhri
Alumnus of 2004 Batch
DGM Sales – ANZ & apan Yokohama Off-Highway Tires , ATC Tires Pvt Ltd

Always follow management courses from corporate lenses to focus on concepts rather than words. ABS always helped me to give a parallel view from the corporate side and I took advantage of it during the 1st interview and got selected. Keep engaging yourself with corporate studies and compliment your answers with true corporate examples to strengthen your message.

Mr. Neeraj Nayyar
Alumnus of 2011 Batch
Technical Content Manager, Hilti India Pvt Ltd.

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