

Registration Category must be selected based-on affiliation & membership of First Author.


Student/ Scholar : INR 3500 / 38 EURO
Faculty : INR 9000/ 100 EURO
Industry : INR 10000 / 111 EURO
  • All accepted & presented papers of the Conference by duly registered authors, will be submitted to Journal Partnering with GCMH.
  • Fee payment for registration is the first and foremost step in the registration process, but fee payment alone does not complete the registration process. In addition to the fee payment in the appropriate category, author(s) must go through the copyright transfer process, and must also provide the camera-ready paper, in consensus with conference organizing committee/ team.
  • Fee payment for registration does not guarantee that concerned submission (paper) will be published/ included in Journal Partnering with GCMH. GCMH has the discretion to include/ accept or exclude/ reject one, more or all submissions (papers) of the conference, if found unfit, after their quality assessment review process or otherwise. In case of rejection of submission(s) at the end of GCMH, any which way, author(s)/ payer(s) of the submission (paper) will not be liable to get the refund of registration fee, in any case.
  • We follow a flat currency conversion rate, i.e., EUR 1 = INR 89 and USD 1 = INR 83.