Design brief for competition

How might we bridge the gap between abled and differently abled population by giving inclusive design solutions in furniture products in interior & exterior space?

Judging criteria

There are 6 criteria for judging entries:

  • User-Centric Approach: If the solution benefits differently abled.
  • Research and Insights : Approach to investigate the issue identified and key insights
  • Design Innovation: The relation of a solution with research and insights, the uniqueness of the design concept.
  • Problem- Solving: Whether the solution is directly or indirectly solving the issue. Demonstrate the process and design journey till the end outcome.
  • Aesthetics & Experience: The overall aesthetic appeal of the design and creating a joyful experience while interacting with the product.
  • Feasibility: The solution has the potential to be implemented and tested with user and market.

Eligibility and fee

Competition is open for students pursuing Product Design & Interior Design from Delhi NCR. The competition entries will be accepted with a nominal fee of INR 750 per entry. Entries can be by an individual or in group of 2 to 4


5th January 2019 27th February 2019 10th March 2019 14th March 2019 15th March 2019
Competition open Deadline for idea submission & registration Submission of final A1 size poster online Display of Competition Entry. Hard copy of A1 size poster to be submitted. Announcement of winners & award ceremony

Submission requirements:

All entries must be submitted at

Abstract Submission

Poster Submission


  • 1st Winner - Prize INR 15000
  • 2nd Winner - Prize 10000
  • 3rd Winner – Prize 5000
  • Appreciation Certificates for best 3 entries under different categories
  • User-Centric Approach
  • Research and Insights Feasib
  • Design Innovation
  • Aesthetics & Experience.
  • ility

Note: All participants will receive participation certificates.