Faculty Development Program on Multifaceted Approach to Language Pedagogy 1 – 5 July 2024


FDPs are organized to hone the skills of members of faculty in order to deal with the rapid changes and shifting paradigms in the pedagogical approaches. These FDPs support the learning of students with diverse learning needs, and develop the appropriate teaching strategies for a wide range of learning environments. These FDPs offer many opportunities to enhance learning processes with ICT and engaging learning activities. Faculty members must have the knowledge and skills to take advantage of these advancements in their teaching and curriculum planning which is possible due to Continuous Professional Development and it synchronizes well with various FDPs.

Online FDP on Shifting Paradigms in English Literature and English Language Teaching' where speakers of national and international repute presented.

Date: 11 July, 2022-16 July, 2022


Two-Day Webinar Series

Title: Gendered Spaces, Communications and Negotiations in Arts and Literatures
Date: 26 Nov, 2020 & 03 Dec, 2020
Time: 03:00 PM-05:00 PM
MS Team Code: pab55w2
Video Recording Link: https://rb.gy/1hxhat (26 Nov, 2020)
https://rb.gy/uupxuh (03 Dec, 2020)

Description: Amity Institute of English Studies and Research organized a two-day webinar series. The speakers for the first day were Prof (Dr.) Vinita Dhondiyal Bhatnagar and Dr. Gauri Chakraborty. They talked about dance and cinema respectively. Dr. Vinita Sinha and Dr. Anamika spoke on the second day about Arts and Poetry. The speakers were welcomed by the Head of Institution, Prof. (Dr.) Vinita Prasad. Students, scholars and faculty members from different Institutions participated in the webinar. Each lecture was concluded with a question-answer session. The screenshots of the same are as follows:

Three Day FDP

Name Of FDP- Learn, Unlearn and Relearn Literature-Teaching with Contemporary Approaches

Date: 15-17 June 2020
No. of Days: 3

Day 1: 15th June 2020

Speakers:) Dr Usha Bande,
2) Prof K K Gautam
3) Dr Sonjoy Dutta Roy,

Day 2: 16th June 2020

Speakers:) Dr Neeru Tandon
2)Prof. Nirmal Selvamony,
3)Dr Indira Nityanandam,

Day 3: 17th June 2020

Speakers: ) Dr Neelima Kanwar
2) Dr. Krishna Rathore Tomar

Workshop on Creative Teaching of Texts

A Workshop on Creative Teaching of Texts on 16th May, 2019 Venue: Room No 402, K3 Block. This workshop addressed that teaching for creativity aims to encourage self-confidence, independence of mind, and the capacity to think for oneself which encourages a sense of responsibility for learning. It aims at a growing autonomy involving goal-setting and planning, and the capacity for self-monitoring self-assessment and self-management. This workshop addressed the following issues:

  • Why do we need to teach texts creatively?
  • What is creativity?
  • What happens when we teach creatively and teach for creativity?

The workshop provided seven classroom strategies that will underpin the success of any approach:

a. Set open-ended challenges
b. Make thinking important
c. Make thinking explicit
d. Ask ‘rich’ questions
e. Enable collaborative learning
f. Promote self-management
g. Make connections across contexts

An FDP on Effective Teaching of Communication Skills was organized on December 14-15, 2017 at F3 Seminar Hall, Amity

University. This FDP was inaugurated by hon'ble Vice-Chancellor and she emphasized to upgrade each and every member of faculty in terms of pedagogical approaches. She also motivated everyone to utilize the new approaches in the classroom for making an interactive class. 40 members of faculty participated in this FDP and they developed the Master Session Plans of BC/TC/PC courses of even semester. The participants were updated on latest pedagogies for Communication Skills course delivery, assessment and feedback. The participants learnt to set and moderate question paper, preparing model answers & marking schemes and evaluation of answer scripts.

An FDP on “Creative Writing in English” which was held on 23rd April 2015. This FDP was inaugurated by Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor Prof. (Dr.) Balvinder Shukla motivated all the participants and discussed about the importance of creative writing in English. Anuradha Marwah, Delhi University was the resource person of the FDP. She enlightened the audience on a number of issues and challenges which the English teachers face today. Especially, when the teachers have to inculcate and nurture creativity in the young students. There are many components which should be taken into account- grammar, expression, vocabulary and spontaneity are the keys to effective creative writing and different people evaluate the end product in different ways and attain different conclusions. The resource person answered to the queries of the faculty and shared her words of wisdom. Mr. Kulpreet Yadav, a well-known coach of creative writing & author of Best Seller Book took the second session on "the art of creative writing" This FDP was well received and highly appreciated.

An FDP on English Literature in Translation was organized on 21 April 2015. Prof Kanwal Bawa Bhalla, Resource Person of the FDP, discussed that translation studies are the new academic discipline related to the study of the literary theory and translation. It is not only multilingual but also interdisciplinary, encompassing languages, linguistics, communication studies, philosophy and a range of cultural studies. Therefore, by nature it is comprehensive and also interesting. It is a young discipline and still mapping territories. Viewing translation as a translation between two languages is understood as transfer from the source language to the target language. However, this is not so simple. Figures of speech, metaphors, idioms, proverbs and allegories pose a great challenge to the translator. The FDP was held on the two ways of translating i.e., Transliteration and Transcreation.

A ten days FDP on Emerging Trends in the Teaching of English Literature & Language was organized from 01-09 July 2013. The resource Person Dr Pragya Singh discussed that according to Lord Tennyson, a famous English poet, ‘old order change yielding place to new.’ Certainly, the old style of teaching literature and language is being replaced by new methodologies. The usual and age-old mode of lecture which was a one-way process of communication has been replaced by interactive method of teaching where students’ participation is solicited and leaning outcomes are better with emphasis on visual presentations and use of technology. Teaching of literature and language has become more interesting and engaging for students.

A two days FDP on comparative literature was organized on 16-17 May 2012. The FDP was meant to discuss and develop an understanding of various such dimensions of the issues involved in the studies of comparative literature. Capt. H Arfi, Resource Person of the FDP shared that the literature in our times consists of two features: works appearing in the given country and works which came into that country from the literature of other countries. It has been noted that many major works of any literature speedily pierce into the world of literature of some other country and to some degree become a part of the literature of that country. What pierces is what attracts particular attention in the given country, what is required and essential for literary reality in that country and thought, or what works in providing an enhanced understanding of the state of literature and social reality in the country where the given work originated. Various participants presented their views on most important and contemporary issues pertaining to the studies of comparative literature.