Journal Publication Opportunity & Details

All ‘Accepted’ and Registered Papers will be published in SCOPUS/ICI Indexed/UGC Approved Journals. Authors MUST mention Journal of the reference to publication at the time of submission only. Based on the title and content of the paper, the paper will be forwarded to the opted/suitable journal on that list. All the papers accepted by the Conference Editorial Board will be forwarded to the Editorial Board of the respective Journal. Acceptance will be notified to the Author immediately after the preliminary review report is obtained from both the Boards. All the journals follow a Double-Blind Peer Review Process. During the review process, the authors should make all the required additions/deletions/modifications suggested by the Editorial Board of the Respective Journal within the stipulated timelines, failing which the paper may not be published or publication may be delayed. This is subject to the policy of that respective journal. The decision of the journal is final and no disputes will be entertained in this regard. The Organizer has requested all the journals to complete the entire publication process within three months after the conference, for which they have kindly accepted. As all the collaborated journals are of high quality, authors should send papers 100 percent free of plagiarism. Strict adherence to Referencing Style of the Respective Journal and Plagiarism Free Papers are least likely to be rejected.

Additional publication charges will be charged as per requirements of the respective publisher/journal.

Detail of Journals

UGC Approved Journal (Included in UGC care list).

Scopus Indexed Journal *(Publication charges are separate)

  • International Journal of Recent Technology & Engineering (IJRTE)
  • International Journal - International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research (IJSTR)