Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship Programme, Summer 2023

USRF -2023

Duration: 4 to 8 weeks

(Start from 7th June 2023)

USRF -2023

Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship Programme, Summer 2023

(May – June 2023) at AMITY University, Noida.

Amity University, Noida is offering a Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship Programme in June 2023. The objective of this fellowship is to provide a unique opportunity to undergraduate students of Artificial Intelligence, Engineering, Science, Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Management to work on innovative research problems under the supervision of faculty of Amity University.

USRF provides a unique pathway to undergraduate students to do cutting edge research and enhance their future job prospects and open the ways to do Higher Studies from World Top Universities.

Amity University, a Research and Innovation driven University in India, is having a globally benchmarked Infrastructure.
  • Over 1,50,000 students studying across 1000 acres of Hi-tech campus and Innovative Teaching.
  • 250 Educational Programs.
  • Amity Education Group has 17 International & Global K-12 Pre-Schools across India.
  • Amity University has set up over 17 International Campuses.
  • Campus in USA, UK, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Singapore, Mauritius, Romania, South Africa, Hong Kong, Mainland China, and many more to come.
  • Pathbreaking Research and Innovation in Science & Technology
  • 20000 + Research Publications in High Impact Globally Reputed Journals such as Nature, Lancet, Cell, Material Horizon, Physical Review Letters etc.
  • Around 1300 patents are filed by the faculty.
  • More than 300 Research Projects are funded by Government, Non-Government and Global Funding Agencies
  • Highly focussed on Generating Useful Outcome in the form of Technology/Product/Process Development and Generate Intellectual Property

The Amity Edge