LAST DATE OF REGISTRATION IS 20th JANUARY 2020 Register as Student
  • I certify that I am not suffering from any communicable or chronic disease which requires emergency medical care
  • I am registering for participation in amity national unifest 2020 on my own free will. During the festival the host university -amity university Uttar Pradesh, Noida campus band its officials are not liable for any fatal/non-fatal injury I may suffer or loss of any personal belonging/valuable.
  • During the festival due to my intentional/unintentional if there is any loss or damage to property &/or reputation of amity university Uttar Pradesh then I am liable to pay for that loss/damage as deemed fit by vice chancellor of amity university Uttar Pradesh.
  • I can be debarred from competing in any event at any stage during the festival by the organizing committee of the festival if I am not eligible &/or I have not followed the rules &/or I have not followed the code of conduct.

Please Note The temperature in the month of January-February shall be in the range of 10 °C to 20°C. Participants are requested to carry woolens, sweaters, jackets, socks, blanket/rags, mosquito net, medicines, locks etc. The participants and officials are advised to get inoculated against cholera and typhoid.