Narratives are significant as they are life lessons. The narratives we exchange in the form of gossip, shared experiences, stories, metaphors, myths, and legends enable human collaboration whereas continuous repeated narratives constitute the basis of behavioral patterns in society. Sometimes troubled narratives leave a cathartic effect or provide an escape from the mundane life. Surviving troubled times truly tests our faith. When enduring a difficult time, it is important to acknowledge and accept that it is just a transient phase.

There has always been a symbiotic relationship between suffering and literature. Suffering utilizes different forms of narratives like memoirs, autobiographies, stories, diaries about subjects’ narratives of experiencing chronic illnesses like cancer, pandemic, plague, death of a loved one etc. and their relationship to the construction of self. Narrative discourse is inevitably consequential for social life and individual experience.

Writers, dramatists, and poets have been reflecting through different forms of narratives the vagaries of their time and age. For example, T.S Eliot in the poem “The Wasteland” talked about the aftermaths of the First World War on human soul while Woolf enunciated the treatment of women in the 20th century as well as antiwar sentiments.

When world war broke out, poets like Rupert Brooke and Wilfred Owen poured their souls out in heart wrenching poems while Woolf described the trauma of soldiers who fought the deadly war in Mrs. Dalloway.

The suppressed colonies rose, and the native writers started sharing their dreadful experiences. Chinua Achebe, in his novels, depicted how brutally dark people were treated back then, while writers like Salman Rushdie and Amitav Ghosh shared their views on the painful partition of India.

We can go back and forth in the boundless time and all that we will find is the rise of a narrative in ‘troubled times.’ These writings have helped us evolve over time.

With this purpose in mind “The International Conference on Narratives of Troubled Times: Reflection in Studies of Humanities, organized by Amity School of Languages Lucknow in collaboration with Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, aims at bringing together experts in the field of Narration and Studies in the field of Humanities, to offer insights into key areas of enquiry in addition to exploring the massive evolution of narratives over time.

Session objective:

To advance Methodology of Accounts

To present the springboard of subjectivity for inquiries regarding the social qualities

To rejuvenate the average elements of social articulation

To elevate learning for discovering of self-possession and pride in one's own way of life and writing

To advance stories that talk according to alternate viewpoints

Vor langer Zeit sagte Samuel Johnson im Vorwort seines "Dictionary of the English Language": "Der größte Ruhm eines Volkes erwächst aus seinen Schriftstellern.". Das bedeutet, dass Literatur eine bedeutende Quelle des Ruhms und Wissens ist. Die wirklich bedeutenden Schriftsteller erweitern unser Bewußtsein, unser Mitgefühl, unser Wissen. Sie ist einer der wichtigsten Wege, die Welt zu verstehen. Es gibt viel Weisheit im kostbaren Erbe der Literatur, die einen unerläßlichen Beitrag zu unserer Menschlichkeit leistet. Literatur ist eine Form von Verantwortung - gegenüber der Literatur selbst und der Gesellschaft. Sie lässt uns im Zeitalter eintauchen, in denen die Menschheit noch weit entfernt vom heutigen Stand war. Die leteratische Werke lassen uns nachvollziehen, mit welchen Problemen die Menschlichkeit damals zu kämpfen hatten. Probleme, die uns heute fremd scheinen, doch ebenso Probleme, die nach wie vor bestehen. Im 21. Jahrhundert brauchen wir Literatur mehr denn je, da die Menschheit vielen Herausforderungen wie Krieg, Terrorismus, moralischem Verfall und Naturkatastrophen gegenübersteht.

La littérature est le miroir de la société. La littérature traite des émotions humaines, qui ont transcendé toutes les frontières. La littérature est universelle. Il existe différents genres à savoir lyrique, épique et dramatique etc. La littérature peut être divisée en deux types: la littérature orale et la littérature écrite.Au 21ème siècle, l'humanité est confrontée à des problèmes en raison de problèmes liés à la pandémie.

Le monde n'est plus le même après Covid 19. Tous les changements qui se produisent dans ce monde se reflètent dans la littérature.La littérature traite de la vie et la vie se manifeste sous différentes formes à travers la littérature. Comme le dit le célèbre philosophe Sénèque :

“La vie ce n’est pas d’attendre que les orages passent, c’est d’apprendre à danser sous la pluie…”




Inviting abstracts for Paper, Poster or Oral presentations engaging with the themes of the Conference.

Complete Registration forms, with Abstracts and Full Papers, adhering to the important dates mentioned below, should be emailed to and cc to with subject line as Abstract for International Conference on Narrative in Troubled Times

Note: Selected papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings with ISBN No/ ISSN No.


Abstract length should not exceed 300 words, including the keywords. Camera ready Paper length should not exceed 3000 words. Camera ready Paper is to be preceded by 50 words Note to the Author. Full Papers must adhere to the MLA style for Documentation.

Duration of event: 2- days
Dates: January 19 & 20, 2022
Days: Wednesday, Thursday
Venue: Microsoft Teams/ Auditorium Block, Amity University, Lucknow Campus


Font style: Times New Roman

Font size: Text 12-point, Title 14-point, Sub- headings 12 point and Author Note 12 -point

Alignment: Title and Author Note should be Centre Aligned, Sub-headings should be Left Aligned and Complete Text should be justified

Line spacing: 1.5


Submission of Abstract: - 26th December 2021
Acceptance of Abstract: - 2nd January 2022
Submission of Camera-Ready Paper: - 10th January 2022

Last date of Registration: 15th January 2022



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