As the fourth edition of Arch-o-lunio, an annualarchitectural fest of Amity School of Architecture and Planning is going to beheld this October in Amity University Rajasthan. The members of architecturedepartment faculty decided to launch a new website as a step forward.
The inaugural ceremony commenced with the launching of thedomain byHonorable Vice Chancellor of Amity University Rajasthan Prof. S. K. Dube in thepresence of a group of dignified persons – Registrar Brig. S. K. Sareen(Retd.), Pro Vice Chancellor Prof. S. L. Kothari, Director (ASAP) Prof.Jitendra Singh, Prof. Col. K.P. Singh (Retd.).
The website launching ceremony was followed by a photographysession. Then the description and the details of the website were demonstratedby Arch-o-lunio student head Abhishek Byadwal and P. Naga Dussala. The websitecomprises of Home page, Overview, Gallery, Events, Competition, Sponsors,Organized by tabs, with the official logo of Arch-o-Lunio and Amity University.A brief of the fest has also been provided on the website stating:
“The Annual Architecture fest of Amity School of Architecture andPlanning, Amity University Rajasthan named as Arch-o-lunio is a two day fest.City wide celebrations of architectural experimentation, thinking, creativityand practice events take place at different venues in the 152 acre sprawlingcampus, Amity University Rajasthan. We at Arch-O-Lunio ignite your creativityand provide you a platform to let your spark of innovation to turn into fire ofdesigning.”
The website also has a registration link for the studentsand interested people to register themselves for the event. The goldenopportunity was also seized to get the first registration done by our very ownHonorable Vice Chancellor Prof. S. K. Dube followed by huge round of applauseby the members present there. The registration was followed by the registrationof Hon. Pro V C, Registrar and Director ASAP.
The student heads were introduced to the Vice Chancellor andother dignified persons present there, by the faculty Coordinator Ar. A. K.Shukla. The efforts of the whole ASAP department were appreciated byall the eminent members on the spot and the student heads were encouraged tocarry through the commendable work in future as well.
The IT support was provided by Harsh Bothra of B. Tech. CSDepartment by designing the website and was acknowledged for the same. Eventcoverage and photography was handled by Govind Gopal Nair of ArchitectureDepartment.