2 Day - FDP organised by Amity Business School , Kolkata
Date: 6/28/2016

Two-day Three TierFDP on

“What MotivatesHigher Education Professionals to Achieve Excellence; SPSS for QuantitativeResearc h: Level 2; Triangular Approach to Stress Management throughUnderstanding-Coping-Relaxation”

June 28-29, 2016


Resource Person:- Mr. Imon Ghosh, Former Director, Academyof HRD, Ahmedabad.

Theprogram was inaugurated by VC Sir, Registrar Sir, Advisor Sir, HOI – Managementand Allied Schools and other HOIs.

Therewas participation of around 40 faculty members from across schools in AUK.

Thesession was a dynamic, lively and interactive two and half hour session from11.00am to 1.30pm on Tuesday, June 28, 2016. The resource person dealt withissues viz.:

· The need toleverage India?s demographic dividend through better education and skills.

· Research on comparative teaching methods.

· The key role thatteachers play in imparting values, life-skills and promoting research.

· The importance of culture in promoting excellence.

· The research on“Incivility?.

· Reflections and experience sharing.

· Linking education and competency building

· Comparative Teaching Methodologies in India and US

· Desirable key areas in modern day teaching and research

· Moving from Pedagogy to Andragogy in Teaching

· How can Teaching and Research benefit India?

Thesession concluded with an interactive teamwork, in groups of three, on KeyMotivators for Excellence in Teaching in Higher Education. Reference was madeto literature from Harvard Business Review. The deliberation was very muchbeneficial and appreciated by all.

Presentation given by Mr Imon Ghosh

The Faculties present during the FDP

Presentation by Mr Ghosh

Lighting of the Auspicious Lamp , By the Hon'ble VC and Director of ABS (AUK) along with Registrar and Chief guest Mr Imon Ghosh

Introduction of the chief guest , given by Dr Monodip Roychowdhury

Hon'ble VC Sir Sharing his point of view about the FDP