Scientists of Amity University develop India’s first hand held and chemical free “Milk Adulteration Testing Kit”
Date: 4/19/2016

Scientistsof Amity University, known in the industry for their research prowess and frugalinnovations, have developed India’s first hand held and chemical free “MilkAdulteration Testing Kit” which can easily detect milk adulterationwithin 10 seconds.

This revolutionary Technology was transferred to Everest Instruments Pvt. Ltd.,Ahmedabad in the presence of Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, AmityGroup, Mr. Ajit Patel, Managing Director , Everest Instruments Pvt. Ltd and Mr.Parimal Patel, Director, Everest Instruments Pvt. Ltd at Amity UniversityCampus, Sector-125, Noida.

TheTechnology, which is a result of 1.5 years’ hard labour and dedication, hasbeen developed by Dr. Ashish Mathur, Asst. Professor, Amity Institute ofNanotechnology who was assisted by Dr. Shikha Wadhwa- Asst. Professor, AmityInstitute of Nanotechnology , Mr. Rathin Gupta- M Tech Student and Dr. R.P.Singh- Advisor, Amity Institute of Nanotechnology.

EverestInstruments Pvt. Ltd. is an ISO accredited company that offers total automationsolutions to the Dairy & Milk Industry since 1999. Everest is anR&D driven & Innovation focused organization. It has therare distinction of having the best MSME award for consecutively for 2011-12,2012-13 and 2013-14 from the Gujarat Govt. Gujrat Chamber of Commerce andIndustry also conferred Everest with the Award of Best MSME Unit for the year2013-14.

Addressingthe gathering, Dr. Ashish Mathur, Asst. Professor, Amity Institute ofNanotechnology said that Milk Adulteration is a very common problemglobally and adulterants not only rob the milk of its nutritional values butalso contaminates it to make it unfit and harmful for consumption. Highlightingthe novelty of the Kit, he said that their “Milk Adulteration TestingKit” is non-hazardous, cost effective, transportable, user-friendlywith no requirement of elaborate laboratory set-up. Talking about thefunctionality of the kit developed, Dr. Mathur said that it’s a hand held kitwhich can be used by anyone easily without any skill/training. Elaboratingfurther, he stressed that 2.2 ml of milk sample is required and the resultcomes out in 10 seconds through an app on the users’ mobiles. The Kit caneasily detect the levels of Starch, Detergent, Urea, Peroxide, Sulphates etcbeing mixed in milk. The Kit has already been used to detect adulteration infresh and packaged milk. He thanked his team for all the support extendedduring the project.

Mr.Ajit Patel, Managing Director, Everest Instruments Pvt. Ltd, whiletalking about the Kit, said that his company has been dealing in such devicesbut the kit prepared by Amity Scientists is hand held device which could beeasily used by common man. He announced that they will price the Kit at a veryaffordable cost so that the benefits can be enjoyed by majority of thepopulation. He commended the research work being carried out in Amity by theResearchers and Scientists.

Sharinghis views, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group stressedthat Amity has a Assembly of Future Innovators and such opportunities inspireand motivate other Innovators. Talking about the R&D initiatives going onin Amity, Dr. Chauhan shared that the Scientists and Researchers of AmityUniversity have filed over 697 patents and the aim is to commercialize 80% ofthem for the benefit of common man. He stressed that if the mission of theperson is right, God helps that person to achieve the same and affirmed thatAmity will very soon become the biggest contributor of Science and Technologyin the world.

Milk Adulteration Testing Kit developed by Amity Scientists

Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group with the briliiant minds behind the Milk Adulteration Testing Kit

Scientists and Researchers of Amity attending the Technology Transfer

MoU signing ceremony between Everest Instruments Pvt. Ltd and Amity in the presence of Dr. Ashok K Chauhan