Over 500 students from prestigious schools of 9 countriesincluding USA, Japan, Thailand, Germany, France, Italy, Slovenia,Australia and India, donning the role of Diplomats and Bureaucrats,participated in three day Amity International Model United Nations(AIMUN) Conference 2015 and discussed issuesof global concern ranging from “Operation Blue Star”, “Threat of ISIS”, “Militarization of the Arctic”,“Empowerment of Women through Education”, “Preservation of National Heritage”,“Status of Emerging Markets”, “Iran Hostage Crisis”, “Creation of SmallerStates” and “Cooperative Federalism”.
H.E. Laimonas TALAT-KELPSA, Ambassador, Embassy of the Republic ofLithuania, New Delhi and his wife- Ms. Alina Taluntye, Dr. Amita Chauhan,Chairperson, Amity Group of Schools and Dr. Gurinder Singh- Additional GroupVice Chancellor, Amity graced the Valediction Ceremony and felicitated thewinners of AIMUN 2015.
In “Best Delegation Awards” category, Amity International School,Sector-46 Gurgaon, representing Syria was given First Prize, DPS Mathura Road representingChina was given Second Prize and Amity School, Saketrepresenting Russian Federation was given Third prize
Welcoming the august gathering, Ms. Divya Bhatia- Principal,Amity International School, Saket stated that AIMUN 2015 has lived up to thepromise of being bigger, better and ever blossoming. She stressed that AIMUN2015 provided students an insight into the International proceedings of UN inconsonance with honing their oratory skills, motivating them to rise above thenarrow national self- interest and become the Ambassadors of peace andtolerance for the world.
Sharing her views, Dr. (Mrs.) Amita Chauhan- Chairperson, AmityInternational Schools remarked that world needs responsible leaders who cantake decision in time and AIMUN 2015 aimed to raise and nurture suchresponsible leaders. Dwelling on the topic of the Conference, she statedthat thoughts are very important and they make a person what he/she is. Sheencouraged students to read good books, keep good company of friends, practicegood habits and do good deeds in order to nurture good thoughts.
Addressing the gathering, H.E. Laimonas TALAT-KELPSA,Ambassador, Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania expressed his honor anddelight in visiting Amity and interacting with student Ambassadors from variouscountries. Talking about UN, H.E. Laimonas TALAT-KELPSA stated that,unlike the critics who question the relevance and existence of UN as a body foreffective decision making in the present era, “UN is more than what criticssay; it promotes the philosophy of peace and provides standards of unificationin the diverse world. UN provides millions of dollars of assistance to thecountries in need and is a framework through which countries talk, discuss andresolve issues in a peaceful manner.” He congratulated Amity for organizingAIMUN and leading students onto the path of global peace and harmony.
Ms. Jyoti Arora- Head, Amity Educational Resource Centre(AERC) commended all the studentsfor their excellent performance in AIMUN 2015. She stated that every studentdelegate will carry along a positive message from AIMUN 2015- the message ofpeace, tranquility, universal brotherhood, love and compassion and called uponthem to spread that message amongst the people of their countries, which is thereal essence and purpose behind organizing AIMUN.
During the ceremony, the outstanding delegates in each committeewere honored with “Best Delegate and High Commendation Award”; the delegateswho submitted the Best Paper in their respective committee prior to theconference were given “Best Position Paper Award” and the delegations whichexcelled in all areas were given “Best Delegation Awards”.
While debating on “Threat of ISIS ” in “Organization of Islamic Cooperation”, over 48 studentsacting as Diplomats of various Islamic countries like Pakistan, Niger,Afghanistan, Iraq etc. touched upon various issues related to ISIS including“Foreign Involvement in the Expansion of ISIS”, “Protection and Treatment ofcivilians”,“ Sexual Violence perpetrated by ISIS”, “Funding of ISIS” and manymore. The impressive solutions vociferously proposed by them included “RemovingIslamophobia from the world as Muslims face hostility owing to the inhumaneacts committed by members of ISIS”, “Demilitarization of ISIS”, “Spreading awareness of the real meaning of Jihad which is peaceful struggle,as stated in Quran amongst the people” and “Encouraging people to joindemocratic and free sect of Islam”. In order to avoid attacks like Beirut andParis by ISIS in future, the Delegates unanimously stressed that a multipronged approach is needed; military action alone would not provide a long termand sustainable resolution to this growing problem.
A student delegate from France, Niels Habran who participated in“Organization of Islamic Cooperation” during AIMUN 2015 expressed his delight over participating in International MUN forthe first time which was truly an enriching and informative experience for him,apprising him with Diplomacy, the proceedings in various Committees of UN andspecifically about ISLAMIC States and the problems faced by them. Hestressed that “ISIS” is a complex issue and all Islamic countries have to cometogether and join hands to fight against the self proclaimed fighters of Islam,inflicting miseries upon innocent people.
AayushmaanThakur, a Class XI student from Shri Ram School, Aravali remarkedthat MUNs are very beneficial for the students worldwide, giving them vastexposure to the culture, traditions, policies, and problems of a country. Hestressed that in MUNs, participants are expected to use a plethora of skills inorder to represent a country such as presentation skills, communication skills,research, policy analysis, active listening. The overall experience of MUN isvery “informative and enlightening”.
Over30 Indian Schools from Delhi/NCR, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan,Punjab, Maharashtra and Gujarat participated in AIMUN including Birla VidyaNiketan, Saket, British Co ed Patiala, Chinar Public School, Alwar, G D GoenkaSchool, East Delhi, Modern Public School, Shalimar Bagh, Sachdeva PublicSchool, Pitampura and others.