Date: 9/2/2011 To 9/3/2011

The orientation program for MBA and BBA students started on 2nd September with all the parents, students, management members, principal & the faculty. The program started at 11 am with the havan where we had MBA and BBA students for this year intake.

The Orientation program started by welcoming the MBA and BBA students followed by the introduction of the Dean- Dr. Chhabi Sinha Chavan. It was then that the Dean addressed the gathering and introduced all the Faculty members and the non academic staff. She introduced the MBA and BBA batch profile and provided her pearls of wisdom. She concluded her speech with mentoring students and drawing management lessons from the recent anti corruption drive led by Anna Hazare.

Formal Solicitation and gestures

Event: Briefing on Academic Philosophy & Examination Evaluation:
The session started with briefing on the Academic philosophy followed at Amity global Business School, Pune.

Ms. Preeti Bajaj threw light on expectations from students, benefits of management studies, benefits of studying in Amity Global Business School. Apart from this, she also talked about the various subjects covered under the Semesters and also the different specializations that are offered by Amity, Pune.

This was further followed by briefing on the Examination Evaluation System at Amity global Business School, Pune.

Ms. Priyanka Mittal threw light on the various procedures that are followed for evaluating students on through different components and on different parameters. The session also talked about the Grading system at Amity and the calculation of CGPA & SGPA was also explained to the students.


This was an Ice Breaking session for the Ist Years (Both MBA & BBA). Students played a game “MINE GAME”. This game focused upon formation of groups, selection of a leader, making various strategies to win the game and also to know the strengths & weaknesses of your team mates. The objective of the game was to teach students “How to work in Teams.”


Alumni Forum was held at September 3, 2011 from 4.15pm to 5 pm at Amity Global Business School , Pune. We invited our esteemed Alumni Mr. Manish Sharma and Ms. Mithu Chakrabarty. Mr. Manish has done his MBA from Amity Business School , Noida. He is Area Manager at Honda Motorcycles and Scooter India Pvt Ltd. Ms. Mithu Chakrabarty did her MBA from Amity Global Business School-Pune is HR Coordinator with Empshis. They Shared with the students about their experiences and how Amity has helped them transform their life. It was interesting and interactive session.

Business Games

One hour business games session was organized by General Satur. He made the students play 2 games .Game 1 was tower building game. The whole class was divided in 8 teams of 3 each. Every team member was assigned role of Dean/faculty/student manager. The task assigned was that the student manager had to build the tower with less efficient hand and blindfolded. The games ended when the tower fell. The game was based on achievement motivation.

Game 2 was completing the broken square, wherein the students were divided into 6 teams of 5 members each. The team members had to make 5 squares of equal sizes one in front of each member. No communication or sign language was allowed. A deadline of 6 mins was assigned to complete the task. The objective of the game was to highlight the importance of team work.

Senior - Junior Interaction

At the end of the orientation Programme, one hour of Senior- Junior interaction was held. The interaction started with the introduction of the Students of BBA (batch of 2010) and MBA (batch of 2010).Each student was introduced with the objective of making the juniors familiar with their place of origin, specilaisation. Followed by the introduction of the seniors, was the introduction of the juniors (BBA+MBA batch of 2011), with help of an adjective and also their native place. The main objective of this one hour interaction session was to break the ice between the juniors and the seniors and make a congenial environment. The BBA & MBA (batch of 2010) also took the audience through their Journey at Amity-Pune in order to gear the juniors for the future course of events .Everyone was charged up and energized at the end of the session.

Guest Lecture:

Speaker: Mr. Suven Saha, Sr. General Manager-Marketing , Thyssen krupp industries India Pvt ltd. Audience: MBA II Year, MBA I year, BBA II Year, BBA I Year, along with all the Dean, staff and faculty members. Agenda: “What Corporate expects from MBA Professionals” Learning: There was tremendous learning through the experience sharing process, since Mr. Saha had 35 years of industry experience. However, key points that were focused are: a) Leadership b) Strategic thinking c) Humility and politeness d) Vision e) Team work f) Flexibility and adaptability

Topic: Motivational Speech By : Col. Sanchez

Col. Sanchez is a retired IMA officer with a rich experience of 26 years in the National Army as well as in academic field. He gave a motivational speech in order to motivate the first semester MBA and BBA students during the Orientation Programme for the new batch of AGBS, Pune on 3rd September 2011. He said a person in order to become successful should have a purpose in life which not only concerns himself but also should be concerned to others. He gave the example of Mother Teresa who dedicated her entire life for the poor and the needy. He said that everybody should make difference in the world around them. What matters the most is “What you make out of yourself?”. 1) He also threw light on 4 aspects in order to discover and project Personal Brilliance, ie. Awareness , Curiosity, Focus and Initiative. Awareness means not only general awareness but also personal strength and weaknesses and awareness about self which will help in discovering one. Second thing is that a person should be curious enough and try to learn from the learning. Third thing is focus, in which can be best explained with an example of just like driving a car. Eventhough you drive the car carefully one should also keep in mind the road and the surroundings. Initiative, according to him is found lacking in today’s youth. Initiative taken should be such that it does not only serve our needs but also takes care of others too. 2) He also underlined the importance of dreams as they are very powerful as well as a good source of motivation. Dreams do provide direction however it is important to stay focused on one goal. Hence it is necessary to stay on course. And one should not be afraid to admit ones ignorance as philosopher and scholar Socrates had once said,” All I know is that I don’t know ”. 3) He also emphasized the importance of team work and one’ ability to contribute in every possible situation. He gave the example of bird flying in a group forming a V-shape, where the leader bird leads the group and a second leader replaces it in mid-flight, to keep up the pace. 4) One should always accept criticism as a form of feedback. And keep on improving one’s abilities. It is necessary to always play to win (not to make others loose).He suggested to take one’s career seriously but not too serious that one does not find time for leisure and amusements. 5) He closed the session by sharing with us a success mantra he found inspiring since his IMA passing -out parade. 6) ”The safety, honor and welfare of your country comes first, always and every time. 7) The safety, honor and welfare of your men comes next. 8) Your own ease,honor and welfare comes last always and every time”