Amity School of Natural Resources & Sustainable Development organises Training Course for Indian Forest Service Officers on “Development of clean development mechanism projects under land use, land use change and forestry: Theory and Practice and their relevance to forestry”
Date: 11/5/2012 To 11/9/2012

Amity School of Natural Resources & Sustainable Development has organized five days long Training Course from 5th- 9th November 2012 for Indian Forest Service Officers on “Development of clean development mechanism projects under land use, land use change and forestry: Theory and Practice and their relevance to forestry” at Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noida.

While addressing the gathering Maj. Gen. K.J. Singh, Group Vice Chancellor, Amity University said that nowadays climate change is becoming a major Global concern. These programs give great opportunity to meet and share the thoughts and views with the Government’s officials. There are certain sectors which need more water resources and proper maintenance of rivers, lakes etc.. Development is not a precise word, it is vast and therefore development should take place in every sector.

Welcoming the august gathering Professor B.K.P Sinha, Director, Amity School of Natural Resources and Sustainable Development said that it is a great opportunity for Faculty members and students of our institute that they are going to get updated knowledge from highly experienced officials.

Mr. Devendra Pandey, Ex-Director General, Forest Survey of India, Dehradun gave a presentation on the “Methods of Baseline Estimation for Forest Biomass and Carbon Stock”. He covered many important issues relating to carbon stock, monitoring of forest area change, national forest inventory, etc. He also included World Heritage Sites in his presentation and said that World Heritage Centre of UNESCO is responsible for inscribing for WH sites. He discussed about the guideline principles for monitoring the Forest Carbon Stocks which are as follows:-

· Consistency in measurements

· Transparency in reporting

· Comparability due to common methodological approach

· Completeness in measuring all carbon tools and

· Robustness based on scientific principles

He also stated that the measurement should be done more on scientific basis. Monitoring forest area change/activity data is also a major concern which includes deforestation, forestation and Forest degradation.

Dr. Arun Chaturvedi, Principal Scientist & Head, National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Nagpur shared his views on the topic of “Issues related to Land Use Changes for Carbon Sequestration in Forested Areas”. He stated that Forests are the earliest land used type in the world, other than the water bodies. Today 31 percent of the world’s land is under forests which plays a very important role of providing ecosystem services to sustain the world’s population. Ecological services, forests provide livelihood to a large no. of people in the world. Climate change is a historical fact. Moreover, Environment is neutral, we change the component by changing the use added Dr. Chaturvedi. Soils around the world contain approximately 2000 billion tons of Carbon in various forms at any one time. But, if there is a temperature increase by 3 degrees, yield loss would be everywhere, more particularly in tropical areas, therefore there should be more vegetation.

During the training, several technical sessions will take place where other Indian Forest Service Officers will be sharing their thoughts on “Kyoto Protocol and Politics of Climate Change”, “Forest Management Under Climate Change through Forest Dynamics Model: A case study of Baden Wurttember”, “Germany through Video Conferencing”, “Estimation and Measurement of Soil Carbon Stock”, “Successful A/R CDM projects in India: Case Study of Haryana”, “Improvement in the working of Forest Departments: Need for Career Development through Training and Improvement of Skills” etc.

Other eminent dignitaries present during the session were Dr. J.V. Sharma, Senior Fellow, the Energy and Research Institute, New Delhi, Prof. Soumitra Mukherjee, Head, Department of Environment Science, Jwaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

Over 21 Indian Forest Officers from 15 states have come to attend this workshop which includes Dr. Anil Kumar- Batch 1980, Mr. A.K. Srivastava, Andhra Pradesh- Batch 1981, Ms. B.Munemana, Madhya Pradesh, Ms. Deepa D Nair, Madhya Pradesh- Batch 2001, Ms. Sumanath Bhattacharya, West Bengal and others.

Maj. Gen. K.J. Singh, Group Vice Chancellor, Amity University addressing the gathering

IFS Officers attending the training program

Program Souvenior released during Training Program