Padmashree M. Natarajan, Former Scientific Advisor to Defence Minister delivers lecture at Amity University
Date: 11/19/2013

It was a momentous occasion for Amity when Padmashree M. Natarajan, Former Scientific Advisor to Defence Minister and DG-DRDO enlightened the Scientists, Researchers and faculty members with his lecture on “Relevance of Research for National Development” at Amity Campus, Sector- 125, Noida

Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group; Dr. W Selvamurthy- President, Amity Science, Technology and Innovation Foundation (ASTIF) and Chair professor, Life Sciences, Dr. D V Singh- Visitor, Amity University and Dr. R P Singh- Advisor, Amity Institute of Nanotechnology welcomed the distinguished speaker.

Mr. Natrajan outlined that there is a great deal of talent in India but there are missing links in execution, which is holding India back. He defined “Science”, “Technology”, “Engineering”, “Product”, “System”, “Service”, “System of Systems” and “Social Engineering”, their importance, linkages and interconnections. He stressed that to innovate good products, the country needs to have good Scientific base which will lead to revolutionary technologies, which in turn, will lead to good Engineering. He remarked that India does not have a tradition of R&D in industry and products, no doubt how good they are, need to be upgraded and customer complaints need to be resolved.

He outlined various important researches going on in US in the area of Graphene, development of Zinc –Nickel and Zinc- Manganese batteries to substitute conventional lead Batteries. He called upon the Indian Scientists and Researchers to step up their research initiatives to catch up with their global counterparts and bridge the widening gap. He citied how a foreign researcher found out that Cilantro (Dhania), dried in Sun, has the power to remove metallic contaminants in the water. He suggested re-visiting the rich traditional knowledge of India, verifying it through modern fundamentals of Science and building on it for the benefit of Humanity.

He motivated the Scientists and Researchers at Amity to carry out research in diverse areas such as material design, Devising nutritious diet plan for people of all age groups in different States etc. He even proposed that Amity students should visit different remote villages, as part of their dissertation and Phd projects, and try to draw a village specific plan for providing basic amenities to the villagers in terms of clean water, irrigation facilities, power and sanitation, which will lead to social engineering and social inclusion.

The informative and engrossing lecture benefitted everyone present during the lecture.

Dr. W Selvamurthy- President, Amity Science, Technology and Innovation Foundation addressing the gathering

Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group addressing the gathering

Padmashree M. Natarajan, Former Scientific Advisor to Defence Minister and DG-DRDO addressing the gathering

Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group felicitating Padmashree M. Natarajan, Former Scientific Advisor to Defence Minister and DG-DRDO

Scientists, Academicians and Senior Officials of Amity University during the lecture session

Padmashree M. Natarajan, Former Scientific Advisor to Defence Minister visiting laboratories of Amity University

Padmashree M. Natarajan, Former Scientific Advisor to Defence Minister visiting Amity Innovation Incubator