Amity University Madhya Pradesh organized a Seminar on Recent Trends in Architecture and Construction Technology
Date: 10/15/2013





A Seminar


Recent Trends in Architecture and Construction Technology

(15 October 2013)

A Report

Amity School of Engineering and Technology & Amity School of Architecture & Planning, Amity University Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior, conducted a seminar on “Recent Trends in Architecture and Construction Technology” on 15 October 2013. The seminar started with traditional lighting of lamp and Saraswati Vandana. In his inaugural address, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor Lt. Gen. V. K. Sharma focussed on the current scenarios and perspectives of architecture and construction technology. He presented numerous examples on the applications of Architecture and Construction Technology. Ar. Sudhanshu D.R. Mandlik, Principal Architect/Founder, [Scientist] Architect, Gwalior was the Chief Guest of the seminar. He also delivered the keynote address to the participants of the seminar. Ar. Meghraj Kaurav, Urban Planner, Nagar Nigam, Gwalior was the guest participant in the seminar.

The students of second year B.Tech. (ECE) & second year B.Arch of Amity University Madhya Pradesh delivered a number of well- researched presentations on the focus area with sub-themes in Traditional Architecture Vs Modern Trends, Landscaping, Alternate Building Materials and Recent Advances in Construction Technology. Ms Barkha Mathur (B.Arch), Ms Charul Garg(B.Arch), Ms Shalini Sharma (B.Arch),presented a paper on Traditional Architecture Vs Modern Trends. Mr Bhaskar Sharma (B.Arch), Ms Akrati Sharma (B.Arch), Mr Kshitij Vats (B.Arch), Ms Vishakha Batham (B.Arch), presented a paper on Landscaping. Ms Namita Gupta (B.Arch),Ms Pooja Garg (B.Arch), Mr Ankit Shrivastav (B.Arch), Mr Rahul Bhadoria (B.Arch), Mr Angad Singh Chatrath (B.Tech,ECE), Mr Abhishek Singh Gautam (B.Tech,ECE), Mr Abhishek Agarwal (B.Tech,ECE),Mr Shelendra Singh Bhadoria (B.Tech,ECE) presented a paper on Alternate Building Materials. Ms Kriti Agrawal (B.Arch), Mr Shyambir Singh (B.Arch),Mr Nishant Verma (B.Arch), Mr Anshul Upadhyay (B.Tech,ECE),Mr Abhiyank Parashar (B.Tech,ECE), Mr Akhil Pratap Singh(B.Tech,ECE),Mr Abhishek Anand(B.Tech,ECE), Mr Suchetan Mahapatra (B.Tech,ECE), Mr Aditya Agrawal (B.Tech,ECE)presented a paper on Recent Advances in Construction Technology. The student presentations were formalized under the active guidance of Prof. Mohan Kanthariya (ASET) and Prof. Siddharth.S.Jadon (ASAP) . The programme was hosted by Ms.Meenal Pawar(B.Tech,CSE) and Ms. Pooja Garg(B.Arch). Participation certificates were distributed to all the speakers and outside participants of the seminar by the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, AUMP and the Chief Guest. A number of professionals, researchers and educationists from Gwalior also participated in the seminar. The Dean (Academics), Registrar,Director (Administration), Heads of Schools, faculty members, staff members and students were present on the occasion. The programme was convened by Prof (Dr.) Bikram K. Bahinipati, Deputy Director and Head of Amity School of Engineering and Technology and Prof.Y.P.Singh, Director & Head of Amity School Of Architecture& Planning of Amity University Madhya Pradesh. A vote of thanks was proposed by Prof. Y.P.Singh, HOI-ASAP. The seminar ended with a standing ovation to the Chief Guest, student presenters and the organizers.

Hon’ble dignitaries on the dais

Putting the show together; The students anchoring the seminar

Participant of Amity University Madhya Pradesh giving Presentation

The Chief Guest Mr Sudhanshu D R Mandik, Architect delivering the key note address

Hon'ble VC, Dean (Academics) and HOI, ASAP lighting the lamp during the seminar

The Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, Lt Gen V K Sharma, AVSM (Retd) giving inaugural address on the theme of the seminar

The Chief Guest presenting the certificate to the participant

The Hon'ble Vice Chancellor presenting the certificate to the participant