Amity University Madhya Pradesh organizes Porgram on World Suicide Prevention Day on 04th September, 2017 |
Date: 9/4/2017 |
A programme was organized by Amity Institute of Behavioural and Allied Sciences (AIBAS), to spread awareness of “The World Suicide Prevention Day” on 4th September 2017 in the Auditorium Block-B Amity University, Gwalior Campus. The programme started with a skit which portrayed the issues leading to suicide and its consequences. The in tented message of the skit was “Hope, Good, Bad and Care”. The skit was followed by the address of Dr. Maya Bhora, Rehabilitation Psychologist & Counselor. She stated that empowering persons to avail suicide prevention services is vital. Also if necessary create intervention and support services for youth to prevent suicides.
A Poster Making Competition was also organized by Amity Institute of Behavioural & Allied Sciences. On this occasion the event concluded with distribution & prizes and certificates to the winners and runner up teams of the poster making Competition.
Present on the occasion were the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, AUMP, Lt Gen V K Sharma, AVSM (Retd.), Pro-Vice Chancellor, AUMP, Prof. (Dr) M. P. Kaushik, Registrar, Deans, Directors, HoIs, HoDs, Faculty & Staff members as well as large body of students. |
Poster Made by Students
Hon’ble Vice Chacellor, AUMP presenting mementos to Dr. Maya Bohra, Rehabilitation Psychologist Counsel, Indore
Felicitation Guest of Honour Dr. Maya Bohra, Rehabilitation Psychologist Counsel, Director of Sapandan, Indore by Lt Gen V K Sharma, AVSM (Retd.), Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, AUMP
Skit title Hop Good Bad & Care representation of negative & bad forces
Skit title Hop Good Bad & Care representation of negative & bad forces
Dr. Maya Bohra, Rehabilitation Psychologist Counsel, Director Sapandan, Indore delivering her talk
Certificate distribution for winner of Poster Making Competition