
06 Apr 2021-|Mumbai | Amity University Mumbai, Campus

Amity University Mumbai Organizes Workshop On Innovation In a VUCA World

 Sir started his workshop with a brief opening statement:

"And the kind of chaos that is happening. We sometimes forget to understand the difference between life living and livelihood. Right? So life is what you are gifted with living is your breath every day that you do you are alive in the moment right here all alive right now and livelihood is about earning money right getting into occupational tasks businesses owning money and giving you know life right?"
He explained what is VUCA which is nothing but Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity and in order to survive in this post pandemic era, he explained several ways of adapting and overcoming adversity.
Many time’s people say why should I know or think like a futurist or have foresight or strategy or why should I have no vision because I am going to be an employee. How would you like to be a Kodak?
Or how would you like to be an employing Blackberry or maybe Nokia? So you have to be very careful in choosing organizations. Even if you're going to be an employee because mind you at the end of the day when you become part of the organizational vision mission and strategy Etc. You have to ensure that your commitment is respected and the value that you create for the organization. The organization also needs to create value for the employees if you are. In business you have no options but to you know, understand futurism have strategic foresight and of course till you know acting, today's maximum in the world is if you don't innovate your table and you can see what is happening in the terms of Destruction.
He explained the Four golden rules of ideation. There are no bad ideas, we capture everything, you take a picture capture everything in the background the colour, there's a bird, the City trying to capture as much like, the wide lens sort of capturing for ideals go for hybrid brainstorming. Quantity over quality. He further explained how to create an innovation mindset with various exercises so students could introspect and build their skills. At the end of the session, sir cleared all doubts from the students and build an army of futurists. By the end of the session we were able to think like a futurist , created an innovation mindset, assisted in developing future, built skills for personal development and business success.