Examination Form

Examination (Month)
1. Institution     Amity Business School
2. Programme Code    A01019      Programme Title     MBA
3. Name    Guest
4. Father's Name     Mr Father
5. AUUP Enrollment No.     A0101900000
6. Year Of Admission     2008    Session     2008 - 20010
7. Semester     2
8. Courses with code opted for examination
Main Papers
SNo.Course Code
Course Title
1 MBAOM 10201
Operation Management
2 MBABS 10202
Behavioural Science - II
3 MBABS 10201
Business Communciation - II
4 MBAFN 10201
Financial Management
5 MBAMK 10201
International Marketing Management
6 MBAMS 10201
Management Information Systems
7 MBAHR 10201
Managing Human Resources
8 MBAGR 10201
Back Papers
Course Code
No. of chances availed earlier
Verification :
I have gone through the Syllabus and Regulations of the exam and understood the same for my eligibility for the exam. In case of any discrepancy filled in by me in the admission form. I shall be responsible for the consequences. I have not been Debarred for taking Examination of above papers. No due of the university is outstanding again my name.
Date : Friday, June 12, 2009
 I agree.