December’ 09
Social Studies Presentation
‘From Kashmir to Kanyakumari’ Class VI
The social studies annual presentation held on 10th December, for the academic year 2009-2010 was based on the physical features for India and was titled from ‘Kashmir to Kanyakumari’. The aim of the presentation was to give a through knowledge of India’s landforms and rivers to the students in a manner that would keep their interest in the subject alive and also to instill in them impressive presentation skills.
Details of thee physical features of India vis-à-vis; mountains, plains, plateaus, coastal plains and rivers included. Students threw light upon the Indo-Gangetic plains, peninsular plateau region, Himalayan tanges and eastern and western coastal plains. The presentation also included information of the major Indian rivers and their tributaries in a dramatic and absorbing manner.
Each student was involved in presenting these vivid characteristics i.e. 100% participation by the students was ensured.
It proved to be a knowledge experience for the students wherein they enjoyed learning in a distinct manner.