Title of paper (Concise, not more than 20 words, it should containkeywords about contribution, application, and impact of study)
First Author1, Second Author2, Third Author1* and Other Author(s)3
1. Department Name, University Full Name, City, Country
2. Department Name, College Full Name, City, Country
3. Department Name, Organization Full Name, City, Country
* Email- author@email.com (*Corresponding author’s email)
Write an abstract in a single paragraph, without subheadings, indentation, or references. An abstract should contain the background to the study, the main objective/purpose of your study, the used methodology, principal results, and the impact of your study in a sequential manner. The abstract should be submitted in the Microsoft word (.doc or .docx) document. It should be 1.5 line spaced in 12-point Times New Roman, justified text and without any after/before paragraph space. Do not include bullets, lists and abbreviations in the abstract. Use only SI units. The content of the abstract should be the basis for acceptance of oral/poster paper presentations at this international research conference. The abstracts will be peer-reviewed, and authors will be informed about acceptance for presentation via reply email. The abstract should contain less than 250 words. Keywords should be given below this text in alphabetical order.
Keywords: indentation, paragraph, problem, single, unit (maximum 5 words)