"Hope is Happiness and Happiness is Health"
National Seminar on: “Positive Psychology & Spirituality for Holistic Health 2017” focuses on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues on Positive Psychology and Spirituality as enhancer of human quality of life.
Aim of the Seminar is to bring together Academicians, Behavioral Scientists, Human Resource Professionals, Medical Professionals and Professionals from other allied fields to deliberate on the theme.
One of the principle aims of Positive Psychology has been to correct the imbalance by propelling the field into supplementing its hard-won knowledge about suffering and mental illness with a great deal more knowledge about positive emotions. Positive psychology represents a commitment to the sources of psychological wellness, such as positive emotions, positive experiences, positive environments, and human strengths and virtues.
Positive Psychological interventions have many applications which help in solving human problems & living stress free life. Goal behind these interventions is not only to alleviate symptoms but also to target the root cause of mental health issues. Spirituality and Positive psychology traits go hand in hand