United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is a global agency founded to address the challenges faced by refugees and displaced people, focusing on policies to ensure access to shelter, healthcare, and legal rights. With crises forcing millions into displacement, it tackles both immediate aid and long-term solutions. The goal is to create a world where those seeking refuge can live with dignity, safety, and hope despite difficult circumstances.
This year's conference calls for UNHCR to address and tackle the humanitarian challenge of combating refugee xenophobia while acknowledging host country concerns and ensuring refugee dignity. Delegates will develop policies to counter prejudice, bridge cultural divides, and support host nations in fostering inclusivity. This agenda reaffirms a global commitment to human rights, compassion, and solidarity, building bridges of hope and understanding for a better future.
Combatting Refugee Xenophobia: Addressing Host Country Concerns and Ensuring Refugee Dignity