Architecture & Interior Design


Days Subject
Day-1 Opening Ceremony: Introduction to Summer School
- Role of an Architect through Workshop on “Enclosure”
Day-2 Elements and Principle of Design through Project Workshop: 2-D or 3-D Geometrical Composition based on Design Principles
Day-3 Drawing, Sketching and Rendering Techniques/Project Workshop: 2-D rendered drawing
Day-4 Materiality, Form and Structure in architecture/ Project Workshop - Model Making
Day-5 Alternative materials and Construction Techniques/Project Workshop: Material surveys and models
Day-6 Developing understanding of Cultural Context in Architecture -Cultural Appreciation through Site Visit to an architectural landmark
Day-7 Sustainability and Impact of Climate Change on architecture-Project workshop
Day-8 The Community and the Neighbourhood Workshop: Discussion on everyday life of the students and how they perceive issues of access, security, open spaces, informal spaces, universal and inclusivity in design. 
Day-9 The City Workshop " Assets and Contestations"– Discussion on Significant Development Sectors for the Future of the City: access, security, open spaces, informal spaces, last mile connectivity, universal and inclusive design, role of technocratic agencies, etc,
Day-10 Final Submission of Portfolio, Jury + VIVA